As we approach September 2011 we are reminded that this is the month World Maritime Day is celebrated. However it is sadly amusing to find out that even this 'Day' cannot be settled on!! According to the United Nations (UN) the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) will celebrate it during the week of September 26 to 30. Then it is further stated that it is being celebrated at the IMO Headquarters in London, England on Thursday 29 September 2011. This somehow it seems to NAUTICAL LOG reflects the reluctance to commit displayed by the IMO under its current "leadership". Just to further confuse a confused seafarer the ' timeanddate '® website gives the 'Day' as Thursday 22 September 2011. So we have a choice it seems to have either an early, late or on time and date!! Of course the topic of the Day is Piracy, one wonders why the IMO bothers since little or nothing has been done under this current "leadership". A change ...
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