Regular readers will have noticed that NAUTICAL LOG now Posts occasionally on religious subjects in addition to nautical subjects. These are printed in blue script so that those not in the least interested can ignore them and go on with something more important in their lives. Of course they may have to answer for their decision later on but that is not our problem NAUTICAL LOG is not in the missionary business just opinion and information. In view of the importance of the Blog subject matter we have an independent Administrator going through the Blog Posts. She has decided that all comments that came in headed ANONYMOUS should be deleted even if signed at the end. As a result the Blog now automatically deletes any comment with ANONYMOUS in the 'subject matter' . So if you wish your comment to be considered it is necessary to fill in the 'subject matter' otherwise it will vanish into cyberspace and you will have wasted your tim...
NAUTICAL LOG is an activist blog and publishes Posts on mostly maritime with some non-maritime subjects. We are open to receiving comments and will publish those which are about the subject matter using appropriate professional language, anonymous comments are not published. Observing the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) we reserve all publishing Rights. European Union Laws regarding cookies and spam are also observed.