UPDATE: March 05, 2013. The Sistine Chapel in the Vatican has now been closed to the Public as it is being prepared for the Conclave to elect a new Pope when the date is decided upon. Some additional Cardinals have now arrived in Rome, Italy. Of the 115 Cardinal Electors only 107 had been present, it appears all are now in Rome or on their way to the Congregation of Cardinals currently Meeting twice each day. It is understood these Meetings will be held once a day from now on. From remarks made in Media interviews it appears that some Cardinal Electors are uncomfortable with the current format of the title being used to address Benedict XVI, it would also appear that at present this is having an effect on the overall proceedings. We have a historical event without precedent and the Conclave must not be rushed if the Roman Catholic Church is to survive its current disasters and move towards a revised future with clarity and strength gu...
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