NAUTICAL LOG has spent a career at sea of some 50 years with over 20 years in passenger vessels. This was followed by instructing nautical science, consulting and telling sea stories, one often hears the comment "oh you should write about that" - well I think not in my case. Of course there is this blog NAUTICAL LOG which covers nautical affairs and includes items which often irritate and hence the relative Post.
For some months we stopped publication but due to the highly inaccurate comments in another blog in particular to their Posts on the cruise vessels operating from U.S. Ports we decided to republish and so here we are a highly activist maritime blog watching the nautical world.
We also realize that not everyone who goes to sea as a passenger (called "guests" by the hotel persons who seem to run most cruise lines these days) knows anything or maybe just a little about seagoing life. Many times on the Bridge Tour one was asked questions which showed that there was little if any knowledge of shipboard affairs. For many of the passengers it turned out it was the first time they had ever even seen the sea !! Therefore NAUTICAL LOG has decided to offer an answer to your questions on the subject. Also those who operate boats have questions about Nautical Science or would like an opinion on seagoing knowledge.
In order that you may make contact with some degree of privacy and security we are publishing a direct link. We shall keep any e-mail received confidential and if requested will not publish the answer to a particularly private question on nautical knowledge.
Therefore if you have questions about nautical affairs or would like us to address a nautical item in one of our Posts feel free to contact NAUTICAL LOG at in a courteous and professional manner (abusive and unprofessional e-mails will be erased on receipt)
We look forward to hearing from you and
Good Watch.
For some months we stopped publication but due to the highly inaccurate comments in another blog in particular to their Posts on the cruise vessels operating from U.S. Ports we decided to republish and so here we are a highly activist maritime blog watching the nautical world.
We also realize that not everyone who goes to sea as a passenger (called "guests" by the hotel persons who seem to run most cruise lines these days) knows anything or maybe just a little about seagoing life. Many times on the Bridge Tour one was asked questions which showed that there was little if any knowledge of shipboard affairs. For many of the passengers it turned out it was the first time they had ever even seen the sea !! Therefore NAUTICAL LOG has decided to offer an answer to your questions on the subject. Also those who operate boats have questions about Nautical Science or would like an opinion on seagoing knowledge.
In order that you may make contact with some degree of privacy and security we are publishing a direct link. We shall keep any e-mail received confidential and if requested will not publish the answer to a particularly private question on nautical knowledge.
Therefore if you have questions about nautical affairs or would like us to address a nautical item in one of our Posts feel free to contact NAUTICAL LOG at in a courteous and professional manner (abusive and unprofessional e-mails will be erased on receipt)
We look forward to hearing from you and
Good Watch.