As the Korean investigators arrest anyone they can find who were crew in the Korean ferry and involved in its operation the relevant Minister of the Korean Government has stated that a complete review of operating procedures and safety protocols will be conducted. One might ask - by whom?
A spokesperson for the Korean Register of Shipping stated that the organization does not have authority over coastal shipping. If not who does? The ferry was overloaded and basically unstable which latter was the responsibility of the KRS when the shipyard work was completed and before that work was done to review the plans for the conversion. This might be a "heads-up" for all maritime authorities internationally before we have another similar accident. The latest was a DFDS French flagged ferry fire at Dover, England after the passengers had disembarked. It was successfully extinguished by the ships fire-fighting team
Here in the United States we have "Uninspected Vessels" which can and do have accidents so it is time to set an example, do away with this practice and inspect all vessels. Also all recreational vessels should be inspected. There is a system already in place where the USCG Auxiliary and US Power Squadron inspect vessels at marinas and launching ramps around the country. It should now become necessary for all recreational vessels to have this Inspection and post the sticker issued by the USCG Auxiliary or US Power Squadron in the required position on board.
Personally NAUTICAL LOG does not go out aboard any recreational vessel not fully inspected and displaying as a minimum the USCG Auxiliary or US Power Squadron sticker.
Good Watch.
A spokesperson for the Korean Register of Shipping stated that the organization does not have authority over coastal shipping. If not who does? The ferry was overloaded and basically unstable which latter was the responsibility of the KRS when the shipyard work was completed and before that work was done to review the plans for the conversion. This might be a "heads-up" for all maritime authorities internationally before we have another similar accident. The latest was a DFDS French flagged ferry fire at Dover, England after the passengers had disembarked. It was successfully extinguished by the ships fire-fighting team
Personally NAUTICAL LOG does not go out aboard any recreational vessel not fully inspected and displaying as a minimum the USCG Auxiliary or US Power Squadron sticker.
Good Watch.