For those of you who are following the at present very confused search for Malaysian Airlines flight MH 370 here is a list of United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) marine navigational charts covering the apparent area of searching. Since NAUTICAL LOG is not familiar with aeronautical chart numbers these can be researched on Google®. However for this type of search tracking NAUTICAL LOG believes the nautical charts of the 4700 Series would be more practical to use.
There is a link in our list of blogs to the UKHO website which has full information about their products. It also has some excellent links to its other websites and partner websites well worth a look.
Sailing Charts: (these cover broad areas)
UKHO 4706 Bay of Bengal
UKHO 4707 Maldives to Sumatra
UKHO 4708 Indian Ocean Australia West Coast
UKHO 4710 Cape Leeuwin to Southeast Indian Ridge (this one covers the debris area)
UKHO 4713 Ile de la Reunion to Ile Saint-Paul
UKHO 4714 Cocos (Keeling) Islands to Ile Saint-Paul
General Charts: (these cover sections of the Sailing Charts areas)
UKHO 827 Bay of Bengal Southern Part
UKHO 829 Bay of Bengal Northern Part
UKHO 830 Andaman Sea
Viewing the Media, in particular CNN which is covering ad nauseam the mapping has been dreadful in spite of them talking about every possibility no matter how far-fetched except alien abduction. NAUTICAL LOG hopes that the above paper chart list will prove useful to you. Remember one can also use electronic charts. Enter the UKHO website and find any chart in the SPICA catalogue, in addition any UKHO chart agent can assist you.
Good Watch.