There are two conference coming up in London on the evolution of Man. These are sponsored by the Royal Marsten School and are titled " Human Evolution Past, Present, and Future - Anthropological, Medical, and Nutritional Considerations ". One is on the Aquatic Ape Hypothesis and the second will hold the first conference up for ridicule. So what is new here - actually not very much. It is all rather typical of the behaviour of these brilliant scientists in the disciplines of biology, geneticists and paleoanthropology. Doing some research one of these scientists will develop a theory and do one of several things. Stick with it come 'hell or high water' regardless of other scientific research, perhaps much more in depth than his own. Or he may join with other scientists to try and actually find out the truth of the matter. Or he may spent a lifetime decrying every effort to find that truth constantly ridiculing other researc...
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