NLIN #3-2013.
The following M-Notices are available from If you experience any problems call 023 8032 9391 for assistance.
MIN 451 (M+F) Period of Validity of Notice of Eligibility and Time Required Between Re-sits of Oral Exams.
MGN 401 (M+F) Amendment Navigation: Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) and Local Port Services (LPS) in the United Kingdom.
MGN 462 (M+F) Pollution - Entry into Force of the Energy Efficiency Design Index.
MGN 465 (M+F) Navigation - Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) - Annual Testing.
Good Watch.
The following M-Notices are available from If you experience any problems call 023 8032 9391 for assistance.
MIN 451 (M+F) Period of Validity of Notice of Eligibility and Time Required Between Re-sits of Oral Exams.
MGN 401 (M+F) Amendment Navigation: Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) and Local Port Services (LPS) in the United Kingdom.
MGN 462 (M+F) Pollution - Entry into Force of the Energy Efficiency Design Index.
MGN 465 (M+F) Navigation - Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) - Annual Testing.
Good Watch.