This seems to be the week of walk outs. At two meetings this week key figures or figure walked out of meetings when they did not get their way. The first was at a White House meeting and the second at the International Whaling Commission's (IWC) annual meeting at the 'Hotel de France' on the island of Jersey, UK.
The first meeting has been widely reported in the United States and International Media and this petulant behaviour needs no further mention from NAUTICAL LOG, the second meeting is a different kettle of fish or perhaps one should say whales. The IWC meeting frankly was a complete waste of time and as usual accomplished nothing for the whales. The pro-whaling nations walked out when a vote was called in the childish behaviour of taking their ball and going home. This petulant performance mind you is from supposed mature and experienced diplomatic negotiators - quite extraordinary. So is the White House performance, perhaps both groups missed that class at PolySci 101. When leadership cannot lead is it any wonder nothing is being accomplished these days by governments or government representing bodies.
The pathetic result of the Jersey meeting was that nothing will be done and no vote until next year when no doubt this whole nonsense will be repeated once again. Is it any wonder that the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) is once again planning an anti-whaling operation named Divine Wind for next season. NAUTICAL LOG has always condemmed their violent approach and acts of piracy in attacking the Japanese Whaling Fleet but one admits to a growing sympathy to their dedication to at least trying to save the whales. There comes a time when words alone will not solve a problem and strong action is needed, it appears that this time has now arrived.
The International Whaling Commission is quite useless and should be dissolved or the various nations decline to further attend its meetings. The Whale Sanctuary proposed by the 14-nation Buenos Aires bloc of nations can be declared by them in conference. Enforced by their individual Navy Patrols, which most certainly have the capability to do so, it will be effective and finally do something constructive to protect the whales.
That is now the issue to save the whales - so good luck SSCS with Operation Divine Wind.
Good Watch.
FRIDAY UPDATE: On a much more pleasant note NAUTICAL LOG had a visit from TUGSTER yesterday morning. Will van Dorp was in Miami, FL for a couple of days and was kind enough to drop by the house for a chat - always one of life's great joys for Irish people. There is a Post already in his excellent Blog - he does not waste anytime doing that even when he's travelling. Thanks for the visit Will it was grand to meet you, enjoy Key West and the rest of your trip.
Please remember our fellow seafarers held captive by pirates off Somalia. Like the whales not much is being done for them.