Letting no good opportunity go to waste 'Captain Wats-his-name' has turned this incident into a fund raising effort to refill his coffers. According to his recent statement unless SSCS post the bond of $1.4 million the RV Steve Irwin will be held indefinitely and possibly sold. This latest sob story from this person, while having the merest grain of truth to it, is not likely in reality to happen any time soon. However if SSCS does want to take this opportunity to dump the RV Steve Irwin it may avail itself of the chance to do so.
Of course NAUTICAL LOG being highly suspicious of 'Captain Wats-his-name' and his methods feels it is quite likely that, letting no opportunity pass, he will raise both the monies and dump the vessel. Then wander off to points as yet unknown - first class of course. Retirement looms and the younger SSCS types are ready to push their fearless leader aside.
Good Watch.
Please remember and help our fellow seafarers held captive by pirates off Somalia.