Continuing our series about the maritime Rules of the Road we turn now to Fishing Vessels. Fishing vessels get considerable consideration in the Rules, some of it may be outdated and not protect fishing vessels as was originally intended. Currently Rules 3, 10, 18, 26 and 35 all apply to vessels engaged in fishing. In Part 2 NAUTICAL LOG addressed how Rule 35 applies to vessels engaged in fishing so now lets have a look at the remaining Rules one by one. Rule 3 (d) defines the term "vessels engaged in fishing" and divides them according to the fishing apparatus in use and how it restricts their maneuverability. It is suggested that this division be dropped and the fishing vessel is either fishing or not fishing. Rule 10 (i) states that "A vessel engaged in fishing shall not to impede the passage of any vessel following a traffic lane". This could be changed to a prohibition of all fishing in traffic lanes. It could be expanded to create designated fishing areas ...
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