September 05, 2009:
An update: NAUTICAL LOG is pleased to announce that it's "NAUTICAL LOG PASSAGE PLANNING GUIDE" is now avialable. Several have already been e-mailed as requested.
Since the publication of the Posts on 'PASSAGE PLANNING' there have been numerous inquiries to NAUTICAL LOG about how to prepare such a 'PLAN'.
At present NAUTICAL LOG is gathering all the relevant information together. Starting with the requirements of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). From this data NAUTICAL LOG will develop a procedure that one can follow to complete the 'PASSAGE PLAN'.
This will be particularly useful to the smaller vessels as the big shipping companies already have all this in place. At least they should have all this in place, however judging from the inquiries received at times NAUTICAL LOG wonders if they actually do.
The NAUTICAL LOG PASSAGE PLANNING GUIDE should be available in early September. If you would like to receive a copy:
1. Contact us at and we will e-mail the GUIDE to you - IT IS FREE.
2. In the 'subject' write 'NAUTICAL LOG PLAN GUIDE' - just like that in block letters.
3. If you do not do this then the filter will recognize your e-mail as 'JUNK' and erase you.
Since this is a free offer NAUTICAL LOG would ask that in return you make a donation to your Search And Rescue (SAR) organization, most are manned by volunteers. Remember you might need their help yourself one day.
Good Watch.
An update: NAUTICAL LOG is pleased to announce that it's "NAUTICAL LOG PASSAGE PLANNING GUIDE" is now avialable. Several have already been e-mailed as requested.
Since the publication of the Posts on 'PASSAGE PLANNING' there have been numerous inquiries to NAUTICAL LOG about how to prepare such a 'PLAN'.
At present NAUTICAL LOG is gathering all the relevant information together. Starting with the requirements of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). From this data NAUTICAL LOG will develop a procedure that one can follow to complete the 'PASSAGE PLAN'.
This will be particularly useful to the smaller vessels as the big shipping companies already have all this in place. At least they should have all this in place, however judging from the inquiries received at times NAUTICAL LOG wonders if they actually do.
The NAUTICAL LOG PASSAGE PLANNING GUIDE should be available in early September. If you would like to receive a copy:
1. Contact us at and we will e-mail the GUIDE to you - IT IS FREE.
2. In the 'subject' write 'NAUTICAL LOG PLAN GUIDE' - just like that in block letters.
3. If you do not do this then the filter will recognize your e-mail as 'JUNK' and erase you.
Since this is a free offer NAUTICAL LOG would ask that in return you make a donation to your Search And Rescue (SAR) organization, most are manned by volunteers. Remember you might need their help yourself one day.
Good Watch.