Alongside working cargo Cork - Summer 1964
In 1964 I came home from deep sea sailing in June to study and sit for Masters Foreign-going. The course started in September and the opportunity arose to sail as a relief in the coastal fleet. My Chief Mates Foreign-going covered for Master Coastal Trade. It was a great experience as unlike deep sea there were no Radio Officers and Pursers. Therefore the Master did all his own communications and paperwork - excellent on the job training. The run was from Ireland East and South coast ports to Breman with cattle. The ship was then cleaned by German muck-out crews, spotlessly I might add, moved from the cattle walk berth to load general cargo. After that it was round to Hamburg to complete loading general for Ireland. In addition of course the big attraction was that, except for Breman and Hamburg, we did all our own piloting and ship handling. This was experience a foreign-going officer did not really get hands-on much. The crews were really good guys, had been aboard for many years, and always on that trade. Since everybody knew what to do the Bosun ran things virtually without instructions. Feeding was first class as the Cook bought all the food with the Company's stipend supplemented by contributions from each crew member each month. Plus of course there were extras from the mom's and wife's. So pretty nice Summer sailing. Oh! and yes I did start the Masters Foreign-going Course in September.
Good Watch
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