Previously PETERSPOINTS but now under a new name NAUTICAL LOG we are back again. After some months away due to a great big computer virus which wiped out all our work. It took some effort to get it together and start writing. That's the American spirt at work. Already one feels better expressing thoughts and making comments.
Now that Winter is here in many parts of the country South Florida looks quite attractive. The milder weather means the A/C is mostly shut off. This has two big advantages first peace and quiet to hear the outside noises and secondly lower power bills. This latter being no mean advantage to a retiree on fixed income.
At present our country is going through a very difficult time as we all know only too well. There is great uncertainty and a new and completely untried President-elect. His first press conference today was not very impressive but as he pointed out there is only one President at a time and he is not it--yet.
When that time comes on January 20, 2009 it is time for all of us, whether we voted for him or not, to rally America, work together and rebuilt our country which remains the finest place for opportunity. So having lived under a Monarchy and under Socialist governments before becoming to America I would caution against change from a free enterprise capitalist system. Things will correct themselves with our American spirit and the minimum Government hand only should be used. Never forget our Constitution uniquely begins "We the People----" and we the people are more than capable to direct how we wish things done by our elected leaders, so to them,
Good Watch
Now that Winter is here in many parts of the country South Florida looks quite attractive. The milder weather means the A/C is mostly shut off. This has two big advantages first peace and quiet to hear the outside noises and secondly lower power bills. This latter being no mean advantage to a retiree on fixed income.
At present our country is going through a very difficult time as we all know only too well. There is great uncertainty and a new and completely untried President-elect. His first press conference today was not very impressive but as he pointed out there is only one President at a time and he is not it--yet.
When that time comes on January 20, 2009 it is time for all of us, whether we voted for him or not, to rally America, work together and rebuilt our country which remains the finest place for opportunity. So having lived under a Monarchy and under Socialist governments before becoming to America I would caution against change from a free enterprise capitalist system. Things will correct themselves with our American spirit and the minimum Government hand only should be used. Never forget our Constitution uniquely begins "We the People----" and we the people are more than capable to direct how we wish things done by our elected leaders, so to them,
Good Watch