It was on a State Visit by the Austro-Hungarian Archduke and his wife to Serbia that the event occurred which set off World War 1. While visiting Sarajevo on June 28, 1914 a bomb was thrown in a botched assassination attempt which failed to kill the Archduke but injured several bystanders. Later in the visit the Royal couple being concerned for those injured decided to visit them in the hospital. Unfortunately on the way there they were spotted by some of the group sent to assassinate them and both were shot dead by a member of that group. Sadly their act of kindness somewhat rare in those times by such people led to their assassination. Even worse of course was that the Austro-Hungarian Empire attacked Serbia with artillery fire on July 28, 1914. This was followed by the various European Nations and Russia taking sides resulting in The First World War which lasted until an Armistice was agreed to beginning on Novemb...
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