The AC72 Incidents: A well known and highly respected maritime Blog asked the question last week - "Is the AC72 the Boat That Could Sink the Americas 's Cup?". By the by it is more correct to call it the America Cup since it was renamed after the schooner America. From the perspective of NAUTICAL LOG the America Cup was sunk decades ago due to what a former AC skipper, with whom members of our family sailed in Australia, described as "plastic boats " and indeed we have come to believe his description was correct. This latest concern for the America Cup competition is the result of the tragic death of British sailor Andrew Simpson an Olympian sailing for the Swedish Artemis Racing AC72 in San Fransisco Bay, CA. This is the second similar incident the first being the capsize of the Oracle AC72 boat last October Wait a minute, a Swedish contender for the America Cup once one of yachting's most cherished competitions, how on earth did that come...
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